Hi and welcome to my homepage!
I am Markus Kaukovalta and OH1MN is my radioamateur callsign.
I have an Extra class licence. Licenced since 2003.
What is amateur radio?
Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication.
More info from ARRL or the Finnish Radioamateur League - SRAL.
My station consists of few smaller radios Yaesu FT-897, Yaesu FT-817 and Yaesu FT-7900. Newest addition to my rigs, is a Yaesu FT-847 with HF, 2m, 4m and 6m.
Antennas at the station are always changing.
Now up: Inverted L for 160m.
5 element LFA for 4m and a 5 element homemade LFA yagi for 6m.
I also have some wireantennas, like 80m dipol, rotatable dipol for 17m, 40m halfwave slopers to 3 directions ( 45°, 140° and 270°) from the tower, the slopers also work good on 15m and 17m. They are also great on 60m for DX.
At the top of the tower, is a rotatable dipol for 30m, then 11el LFA yagi for 2m and TH3 Tribander for 10-15-20m. Front yard has a small tubetower with a 4 element monobander for 12m.
Have a dualband for 4m/6m, YU7EF design 4m7el / 6m6el Dualband yagi with 6m long boom, not sure where to put it yet so its waiting.
Bought a 11el tribander 10-15-20m from Depot Antenna, going to replace the TH3 tribander.
Planning to put it up but haven´t had the time yet :)